Thursday, May 26, 2011

Commissions galore!

 Lots of commissions lately! Finally finished up a portrait commission. I hope they like it! <3

 Did a commission for someones origonal transformers character. (Beast Wars.) I loved that show growing up so this was a lot of fun to do.
 World of Warcraft commission. I'm starting to like drawing giant armor! :)
And finally...somehow, my washing machine ATE an entire blanket! I don't know what happened but it MUST have been hungry!!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Work space and commissions.

I took some pictures of my work station today because its -clean- (Yes I call this clean.) and I reorganized my fish tank to be right next to me! :)

 Work desk! Working and watching Lost!
 Working on a portrait.

 Progress is slow...
 Commissioned a pair of horns for a Fire Elemental costume.

 Transformer commission of an origonal character based on the Beast Wars/Beasties series. LOVED that show as a kid so this is kinda fun!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


 I was very fortunate to be able to attend TCAF this year! For those who don't know TCAF is The Toronto Comic Arts Festival. It was A GREAT experience. I ran into a lot of old coworkers and old classmates and even got to meet some of my favorite comic artists! I had a GREAT time and it was REALLY inspirational! 

 Bought Dar volume 1...even though I've read it before. And Erica Moen signed it for me! :D I love it!
 Picked up Radiator Days from Lucy Knisley! I own two of her other books so I was HAPPY to add this to my collection!
 Also hit up The Hairy Tarantula and Labyrinth for Free Comic Book Day! This is my loot from the day! (Including the 2 I bought at TCAF.)
 Seeing all the amazing artists and just feeling the great artistic vibes I was inspired even more to work on my comic and got a few more pages/strips done. Two of which star patches....she doesn't care.
 More sneak previews from the comic.
 Also worked on a pair of commissioned costume horns for a Fire Elemental character! They aren't finished yet but they are close.
 And finally got some work done on a portrait commission. It's coming along slowly but surely!! :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Commissions and comics!

Slow update this week! I guess the first week of being engaged goes by FAST! :O But I'm still working away over here!

First off are a few work in progress commissions. One is the beginning  of a portrait of a friend of mine and her fiance. The other is the work in progress of a pair of costume horns for a fire elemental.

 And finally, I've finally started work on my autobiographical comic called "Codeword Papaya". It wont be released online for a few months yet. (I'm working on a back log of comics) but here are a few preview clips from it!!