Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patties Day at The Great Canadian Burlesque

Went to Mitzi's Sister (a pub) for The Great Canadian Burlesque! They have a show once a month and they have been fabulous every time I've gone! Last night was no exception. I even brought a sketchbook and got in some quick sketches of the performers!
I do not remember the womens name but she SANG and had a beautiful voice! Absolutely stunning.

Canadian Wolfman on top there and, I believe her name was Vanity Boom, at the bottom.

The strongman ANTMAN and an AWESOME boylesque performer up top! I need to figure out his name because his act was AMAZING!!!! The sketches of him came out cartoony because he has a face perfect for characterizing...unfortunatly I didn't do him justice! :(

An awesome singer up top of this page...who sang a kickarse song about Cat Fights. And then the amazing and beautiful Aviva the belly dancer at the bottom!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Not much of an update for today...been sick since yesterday! :( Blargh!

But my mounted monster head is almost complete! Just need to finish fixturing it to the wooden board...make him a plaque and hang him on the wall!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monsters and dungeons and banners!

Did some monster sketches the other day! Highlighter and ballpoint pen!
Also been working on a monster head sculpture! Not done yet but I love it!

Also got more work done on this banner....almost done!

Finally, some dnd sketches! :)